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client profile


Flow is 100% natural Canadian spring water, mindfully sourced in an eco-friendly box and packed with electrolytes, essential minerals and an alkaline pH.

Made from 100% recyclable and 70% renewable resources, Flow is the first ever Canadian alkaline water company.

promotional summary

Pilot Light Entertainment launched Flow’s experiential program in Toronto during the summer of 2015.

Program consisted of 100 different events across Toronto where sampling and product donations were used as a method to increase awareness.

partnership details

- Created lounge furniture made from 100% renewable sources

- Provided sample product and donations to consumers

- OM Toronto 

- Day Breaker

Featured Events

Unique Experiences

- Street teams (Queen St. West and Trinity Bellwoods)

- Retail Locations


“Pilot Light Entertainment are a consummate business professional who get it done! They understood our needs and asked us all of the right questions to create the best product/market fit. Difficult situations come up with every business, especially in the startup world, but they always came up with solutions that created a WIN WIN.”
- Nicholas Reichenbach, CEO of Flow Water
Ignite Your Brand. 
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